Lubricating agent mechanism of gears: When the gears are in the presence of lubricant, the lubricating oil film has a tendency to separate the two-toothed tooth surface. When the load is low, there is a thick oil film between the gear teeth that mesh with each other; When increasing, the pressure in the meshing zone is also increased to cause a decrease in the thickness of the oil film. When the load is sufficiently large, the oil film between the tooth faces cannot block the contact at the highest point on the surface of the tooth of the engaging wheel, thereby causing abrasion or gluing.
According to the lubrication theory, there are also three lubrication methods for gear lubrication, namely: hydrodynamic lubrication, boundary lubrication, and mixed lubrication.
According to the relationship between the Strybebe curve and the lubrication type, when the friction pair is in the fluid lubrication state, the ratio of the lubricant film thickness h to the surface roughness integrated value R is about 3 or more, and the typical film thickness is about 1 μm to 100 μm. The friction surface is completely separated by a continuous lubricant film, which is subjected to load by a low-friction lubricant, and the wear is slight. It is inferred that when the gear friction is in a fluid lubrication state, the friction coefficient is low and the tooth surface metal is not in direct contact. There are no scratches and gluing on the tooth surface, and there is little wear. In actual work, the gear works in heavy load and high speed state, and its synovial state is mostly in the boundary lubrication area. When the ratio of h to R is less than 0.4 to 1, the typical film thickness is about 0.05 μm to 0.01 μm.

Waist Fan

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